Staff Directory

Administrative & Office Staff - (541) 440-4055

5457 - Dani Jardine, Principal

5455 - Tim Sensabaugh, Assistant Principal

5456 - David Dunn, Dean of Students

5464 - Dolly Finnie, Records Secretary

5400 - Kelly Lucido, Office Manager

5454 - Taryn Stribling​, Athletics Secretary/Reconnect

6th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies:

5405 - Vern Thompson

5471 - Libby Fregoso

5406 - Lindsey Howard

5409 - Joanna Johnson

7th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies:

5426 - Cayla Breding, Language Arts

5424 - Megan Chasteen, Language Arts/Journalism 

5425 - Evan Hendry, Social Studies, Leadership

5420 - Mike Hoque, Social Studies

8th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies:

5436 - Will Emigh, Language Arts

5434 - Daron Knight, Social Studies, Film

5435 - Ella Waite-Taggart, Language Arts


5451 - Heather Barnett, PE, Health

5467 - Albert Gutierrez, PE, Health

5439 - Karen Howington, PE, Health

5441 - JJ Rauchwarger, PE, Health

Student Services:

5403 - Season Cox, Learning Resource Center - Language Arts

5443 - Megan Crouch, Secondary Resource Center

​5402 - Caitlyn Goecke, 6th Grade Learning Resource Center

​5479 - Gina Holgate, Learning Resource Center - Math

5403 - Kathi Swanson, Title I Reading and Writing Support Specialist

5444 - Nathan Williams, Developmental Learning Center

5442 - Tyler Yutzie, Turnaround Program

Support Services:

5447 - Kara Rosemeyer, Skills Trainer

5446 - Melanie Kellum, School Psychologist

Mark Moran, Speech Pathologist

Cindy Grimes, Speech

Madisan Herslebs, Speech

Custodial Services - Day (541) 440-4055, Night (541) 440-4056

5452 - Curtis Guyer, Night Site Operator

5452 - Tom Popham, Day Site Operator

5452 - David Boozer, Custodian

5452 - Elton Sells, Custodian

Counseling Center Staff - (541) 440-4062

5472 - Toni Batson​, Counseling Secretary

5463 - Buffie Gillespie, Counselor A-L

5462 - Jason Tate, Counselor M-Z

Media Center - (541) 440-4063

​5448 - Jason Stout, Computer/ Technology Support

5459 - Jamie Banta, Associate Librarian

​5461 - Main Check-Out Desk

6th Grade Math & Science

5407 - Tana Laughlin

5408 - Kari Taggart

5470 - Michael Baker

5404 - Sara Young

7th Grade Math/Science:

5423 - Rebecca Ibarra, Math

5422 - Ryan Wall, Math

5474 - Megan Simons, Science

8th Grade Math/Science:

5433 - Steve Colkitt, Math

5475 - Kimberly Landis, Science

5432 - Jeff Meeds, Math

5476 - Louisa Sanchez, Science


5430 - Stacey Atwell-Keister, Choir/Drama

5428 - Eric Bezdek, Applied Arts

5421 - Megan Dee, Graphic Arts

5427 - Tracy Grauer, Woodshop

5429 - Karalyn Soffer, Band

Instructional Staff:

Kim Anderson, Developmental Learning Center

Marie Antons, Learning Resource Center

Kris Buzby, Learning Resource Center

Judith Cervantes, Turnaround Program

Kris Flynn, Turnaround Program

Becky Gates, Learning Resource Center

Erich Hoque, Developmental Learning Center

Brook Laney, Secondary Resource Center

Brian Marsters, Developmental Learning Center

Maddison Mendoza, Developmental Learning Center

Kalee Paxton, Secondary Resource Center

Leeza Pelke, Paperwork Manager

Paige Plumlee, Learning Resource Center

Richard Swords, Turnaround Program

Food Services - (541) 440-4070

5453 - Angie Hall, Cafeteria Manager

Holly Foley, Fallon Hall, Leann Loomis, Nikolea Moore